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There are many ways to explore Native American life in Illinois in this Web module. Following some introductory information, you have a choice to make. You may explore pre-Contact Native American life, that is, life prior to the arrival of European explorers. Or, you may explore the Illinois Tribe, one of the tribes encountered by French explorers in the 17th century and the namesake of the state.

Once you enter either the pre-Contact or post-Contact world, you may navigate by subject using an outline along the left side of the page. For example, if you enter the pre-Contact period, you may choose to study environment, tools, food, shelter, and many others subjects. Simply select the subject heading. By doing so you may study changes in shelter through time, for example. Also, in the pre-Contact period, you will find a time line at the bottom of the screen. You may also navigate by selecting a particular time and explore a culture or way of life.

Entering the post-Contact period, you will find a subject outline of the left side of the page. Notice that is more detailed. Why? Information about the Illinois tribe is recorded in letters, diaries, books, and illustrations. In addition, we use archaeology to learn things about the past that are not written or illustrated. You will learn more about this during your exploration of the Illinois tribe.

Of course, also feel free to navigate with your curiosity. No matter which way you choose to explore, you have the opportunity to learn about the extraordinary story of Native Americans in Illinois.


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