American activities on the prairies of the central portion of the state
affected the distribution of forests in the region relative to grasslands.
The Grand Prairie of Illinois is part of the Prairie Peninsula, a wedge of grassland projecting eastward from the Great Plains into the Midwest. It stretches from western Iowa to Indiana, with outlying extensions as far east as Ohio. Deciduous forest occurs both north and south of the Prairie Peninsula. Overall precipitation is equal between the Prairie Peninsula and deciduous forests to the east. How did Native Americans help maintain the prairies?
An account of a fire during a bison hunt comes from the translated journal of a Jesuit priest in 1680: When they see a herd, the Indians assemble in great numbers. They set fire to the grass all around these animals except for one passage left on purpose. There the Indians station themselves with their bows and arrows. The buffaloes, wanting to avoid the fire, are thus forced to pass by the Indians, who at times kill as many as a hundred and twenty of them in one day. The buffaloes are distributed according to the needs of the families.
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