What do you think?

Where is Efren from, and why does he move to Chicago?

What kind of work does he find? In what way is he overeducated for this work? What drives him to remain in Chicago?

What kind of life did Efren have in Mexico? Why doesn't his wife Concepcion want to move to Chicago with their children?

Do you think Efren takes the role of husband and father seriously?

What are the dilemmas facing the Carrizales? How do they compromise? Why must they compromise?

Have you ever been separated for a long time from your family or loved ones? What was that like for you? In what way was the separation both positive and negative for the relationship?

The story doesn't tell us, but do you think Concepcion continued to work after she moved to Chicago? Do both of your parents work?

Do you expect to have a family one day? Do you expect that both you and your spouse will work?

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