What do you think?

Christiana Tillson is a Yankee living among Southerners. Who were these two groups? Can you list some of their characteristics and differences?

In what ways was Christiana's choice--of how to handle Lucy and Caleb--limited by her social environment?

How could Christiana make her feelings toward slavery known without openly antagonizing her neighbors and getting in trouble with the law? Do you think she did the best thing? What would you have done?

Whose perspective do we read about? How might this story be different if we heard it from the perspective of Caleb and Lucy or from Mr. McLaughlin, their previous owner?

List three aspects that make this memoir an important historical document. What other memoirs, diaries, and letters have you read and in what way are they historical documents?

What were the different occupations that Mr. Tillson held over the years? How did his work link Hillsboro to a larger community?

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