On the Fringes of the Prairie, 1800-1850
Christiana Tillson
Age 28
Hillsboro, 1822
The following story is based on a decision made by a real person.
At the end of the story, you will find questions and activities.
For more information, click on the pictures with captions.

6 Photo of Christiana Tillson [6k]
Who was Christiana Tillson?

Christiana Tillson Sound is a Yankee. Born in Kingston, Massachusetts, she was 26 when she married John Tillson and agreed to return to Illinois with him.

After what seemed like a never ending journey, they managed to find a home and establish themselves in Illinois. As New Englanders, they were clearly in the minority; most of their neighbors were from the South.

Well educated, hard working, and independent minded, Christiana suddenly finds herself facing an unexpected decision:

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