Illinois Regional Studies
Northwestern Illinois
Benchley, Elizateth, Michael Gregg and Mark J. Dudzik
1977 Recent Investigations at Albany Mounds, Whiteside County, Illinois. Circular No. 2, Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.
Herold, Elain Bluhm
1971 The Indian Mounds at Albany, Illinois. Davenport Museum Anthropological Papers No. 1.
Phillippe, Joseph S.
1990 The Drake Site: Subsistence and Status at a Rural Illinois Farmstead. Midwestern Archaeological Research Center, Illinois State University, Normal.
Keeshin Farms - need citation
Northeastern Illinois
Doershuk, John
1988 Plenemuk Mound and the Archaeology of Will County. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Illinois Cultural Resources Studies 3, Springfield.
Markman, Charles W.
1991 Chicago Before History: The Prehistoric Archaeology of a Modern Metropolitan Area. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Studies in Illinois-Archaeology 7, Springfield.
Rohrbaugh, Charles L., Lenville, J. Stelle, Thomas E. Emerson, Gregory R. Walz, and John T. Penman
1998 The Archaeology of the Grand Village of the Illinois: Report of the Grand Village Research Project, 1991-1996; Grand Village of the Illinois State Historic Site (11LS13), LaSalle County, Illinois. Illinois Transporatation Archaeological Research Program, Research Papers No. 60. Urbana.
West Central Illinois
Harn, Alan D.
1980 The Prehistory of Dickson Mounds: The Dickson Excavation. Reports of Investigations, No. 35. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
McConaughy, Mark. A., Mary J. Bade, Roger Boydston, Claude V. Jackson, Frances B. King, Elliott Lax, Terrance J. Martin, Marl Carol Masulis, Harold B. Rollins, Frank J. Vento
1993 Rench: A Stratified Site in the Central Illinois River Valley. Reports of Investigations No. 49, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Meinkoth, Michael C.
1995 The Sister Creeks Site Mounds: Middle Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Illinois River Valley. Illinois Transporatation Archaeological Research Program Reports No. 2, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
The American Bottom
Ahler, Steven R., M. J. Bade, F. B. King, B. S. Styles, and P. J. Thorson
1992 Late ARchaic Components at Modoc Rock Shelter, Randolph County, Illinois. Reports of Investigations No. 48, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.
Bareis, Charles J. and James W. Porter
1984 American Bottom Archaeology: A Summary of the FAI-270 Project Contribution to the Culture History of the Mississippi River Valley. University of Illinois Press. Urbana.
Jelks, Edward B., Carl J. Ekberg, and Terrance J. Martin
1989 Excavations at the Laurens Site, Probably Location of Fort de Chartes I. Studies in Illinois Archaeology No. 5. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Pauketat, Timothy R.
1993 A Guide to the Prehistoric and Native Cultures of SW Illinois and the Greater St. Louis Area. Illinois Archaeology Educational Series #2, Illinois Historica Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Walthall, John A. Elizabeth D. Benchley
1987 The River L'Abbe Mission: A French Colonial Church for the Cahokia Illini on Monks Mound. Studies in Illinois Archaeology #2, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.
Note: An extensive series of reports on American Bottom sites excavated for the FAI-270 project is published by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Central Illinois
Gums, Bonnie L.
1999 Archaeology at the Whitley Site: An Early Historic Farmstead on the Prairies of Eastern Illinois. Illinois Transporatation Archaeological Research Program Reports No. 5, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Roper, Donna C.
1979 Archaeological Survey and Settlement Pattern Models in Central Illinois. Scientific Papers, Vol. XVI, Illinois State Museum. Special Paper Number 2, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
Lower Illinois Valley
Stafford, Barbara D.
1994 Central Illinois Expressway Archeology: Upland Occupations of the Illinois Valley Crossing. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, Illinois.
Stafford, C. Russell
1985 The Campbell Hollow Archaic Occupations: A Study of Intrasite Spatial Structure in the Lower Illinois River Valley. Research Series, Vol. 4, Kampsville Archeological Center, Center for American Archeology.
Wiant, Michael D. and Charles R. McGimsey (editors)
1986 Wooland Period Occupations of the Napoleon Hoolow Site in the Lower Illinois Valley. Research Series, Vol. 6, Kampsville Archeological Center, Center for American Archeology.
Note: Publications from the Center for American Archeology include many site reports from the Lower Illinois Valley.
Wabash River Valley
Redmond, Brian C. and Robert G. McCullough
2000 The late Woodland to Late Prehistoric Occupations of Central Indiana. In Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation Across the Midcontinent, edited by Thomas E. Emerson, Dale L. McElrath, and Andrew C. Fortier. University of Nebraska Press.
Winters, Howard D.
1963 An Archaeological Survey of the Wabash River Valley in Illinois. Reports of Investigations, No. 10. Illinois State Museum. Springfield.
Winters, Howard D.
1969 The Riverton Culture. Reports of Investigations, No. 13, Illinois State Museum, and Illinois Archaeological Survey.
Southern Illinois
Jeffries, Richard W. and Brian M. Butler
1982 The Carrier Mills Archaeological Project: Human Adaptation in the Saline Valley, Illinois. Research Paper No. 33, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Muller, Jon
1986 Archaeology of the Lower Ohio River Valley. Academic Press.
Penney, James
1986 Prehistoric People of Southern Illinois.
Wagner, Mark J. and Mary R. McCorvie
1992 The Archaeology of the Old Landmark Tavern: Nineteenth-Century Taverns along the St. Louis - Vincennes Trace in Southern Illinois. Illinois Department of Transportation and Center for American Archeology.
Wagner, Mark J. and Brian M. Butler
1999 Archaeological Investigations at the Rose Hotel (11Jn-116), Hardin County, Illinois. Technical Report 99-3, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.