
(return to Rendering)

    Answers in this category:

    1. Render with no perspective / in orthogonal view
    2. Why doesn't Blender render an image from a different camera? - I have activated it using CTRL+NUMPAD_0 but it still only renders from the original camera.
    3. Keeping an Object in Focus

    1 - Render with no perspective / in orthogonal view

    Contributed by anonymous.

    Select the camera, go to the edit buttons and click the "Ortho" button.


    2 - Why doesn't Blender render an image from a different camera? - I have activated it using CTRL+NUMPAD_0 but it still only renders from the original camera.

    Contributed by Cédric.

    Create two camera

    Select camera 1 --> ctrl+0 --> render (F12)

    Select camera 2 --> ctrl+0 --> render (F12)


    3 - Keeping an Object in Focus

    Contributed by guitarGeek.

    Here is a tutorial about a moving camera tracking a static or moving object.


    This Blender FAQ was generated on September 24, 2001, 8:40 am. For the most recent version and for searching the tutorial database, please visit the on-line version at