
(return to Community)

    Answers in this category:

    1. Where can I download Blender?
    2. Where can I find the Community Journal?
    3. Where can I download cool Blender demos?
    4. How can I add my homepage to the Blender site?
    5. Where can I find Blender ver. 1.8?
    6. Where can I find the Blender girl?
    7. Wall extrusion in Castle tut. fails, only creates another disconnected pentagon. F and SHIFT + F won't fill holes, Any clues ???

    1 - Where can I download Blender?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    You can download Blender from



    2 - Where can I find the Community Journal?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    You can find an overview of all Community Journals here:



    3 - Where can I download cool Blender demos?

    Contributed by Michael.

    Game demo's on the Blender download


    You can get the old GDC demos from



    4 - How can I add my homepage to the Blender site?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    Please read the last paragraph of


    and send the required information to bart@blender.nl


    5 - Where can I find Blender ver. 1.8?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    You can download the old version from ftp://ftp.blender.nl/pub


    6 - Where can I find the Blender girl?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    You can find the original Blender girl demo on:


    The latest demo (previewing the new animation system) is available from:



    7 - Wall extrusion in Castle tut. fails, only creates another disconnected pentagon. F and SHIFT + F won't fill holes, Any clues ???

    Contributed by mike.

    When you have the pentgon or which ever press E to extrude then press S to extrude the size. Make the extruded pentagon smaller.(bigger works as well). After to have a pentagon with another pentagon inside it switch views till you can see it flat. Select all verts then press E (to extrude). Extrude upwards, and you should have the walls built.


    This Blender FAQ was generated on September 24, 2001, 8:40 am. For the most recent version and for searching the tutorial database, please visit the on-line version at https://helium.homeip.net/support