
(return to Animation)

    Answers in this category:

    1. How can I make an object follow a path?
    2. What is and how to use the tilt mode

    1 - How can I make an object follow a path?

    Contributed by TankCommander.

    You simply add a path (ADD>>CURVE>>PATH) and then add an object. Then you leave edit mode and click on the object and then shift click on the path. Press ctrl+p and then hit alt+a. This should do it. Mess with the animation buttons for more options.

    Alternatively, you can use any kind of curve and turn it into a path by going to the Animation Buttons window (F7) and selecting 'CurvePath'. Check 'CurveFollow' to make the object follow the path's orientation as well.

    To adjust the speed along the path go into the ipo window with the path selected and change the speed ipo. You can even make things move back and forth by adjusting the curve to go up and down.

    Finally, when parenting an object to a path you may want to go an ALT+O on it to clear the offset to the path.


    2 - What is and how to use the tilt mode

    Contributed by Luis E. Collado.

    Tilt allows you to change the rotation component of a point (knot) in a curve used as a path, which allows you to modify the behaviour of objects following the path. Perform this small test to see how to use it.

    Start Blender
    remove the default plane.
    The add a mesh cube.
    Add a curve path.
    resize the path
    select path and resize it to about 15 grid units to each side

    Parent Cube to curve
    select the cube first and then select the path

    Clear the cube origin
    select cube and
    Test with , the cube should follow the curve.

    Go to animation buttons and select curve follow
    Then right click on the path and enter edit mode. Select the right most curve knot (vertice) and tilt the knot and rotate the mouse around the knot form the side view. Repeat after selecting the other knots and the test the animation again < alt-a > you should see the cube tilt in the direction you imparted to the knot.

    Try it with dupliframes,

    I hope this helps.



    This Blender FAQ was generated on September 24, 2001, 8:40 am. For the most recent version and for searching the tutorial database, please visit the on-line version at