Contributed by anonymous.
Blender supports the following 3D file formats:
- DXF (Autocad)
- Videoscape
- Inventor (read only)
Several users are working on export scripts written in Python. For more information, visit the Python & Plugins discussion group.
To export a VRML file, press CTRL+F2.
To export a DXF file, press SHIFT+F2.
To export a Videoscape file, press ALT+W.
To load these file formats, use the normal file load screen (F1).
Contributed by Daniel Jircik.
And by way of explanation,
which all though not officially, it is a compatible derivitave of Pixars industry
standard and renowned Renderman . BMRT is free.
Requires Python 2.0 and you can read all about it here.
Contributed by B@rt.
Blender does not support this file format. If you want to output to .PLY you will have to write your own export module in _Python_.
Contributed by B@rt.
Blender does not export to Director's own fileformat nor can Director read .blend files. You can import sequences of rendered images or Blender's .avi files though.
Contributed by B@rt.
At the moment of writing Blender (v 2.20) exports to VRML and DXF only.
Contributed by B@rt.
You can load a DXF or VRML 1.0 file by using the File Load window (F1). The files will be merged into your current scene.
Contributed by B@rt.
Sure :)
Select the 'Extensions' button in the Display Buttons window (F10) and Blender will add the appropriate filetype extensions to your saved images or animations.
Contributed by B@rt.
There is no functionality for this yet; the best you can do is use a file conversion utility like _3dto3d_ and load the geometry into Blender as a DXF or VRML file. So far, I'm not aware of utilities that can convert textures, materials or animations.
Contributed by Tomer Vromen.
There are currently two export scripts for LightFlow.
The first is MontZ's, which looks like a very good script, but it's developement was discontinued because of a very unfortunate HD crash.
Download it at
Another export script for LightFlow is shredder's, which can be found at This script is missing some functions, but has the needed documentaion that MontZ's script is missing.
Also, a search for LightFlow on the discussion boards might help you find some more info.
Contributed by anonymous.
When you open a dxf 3d face file with blender you will have to remove doubled vertices before you can do much editing to it.
Select the object and enter edit mode, press "a" to select all vertices, then go to the edit buttons and press "remove doubles". You don't need to do this with dxf polylines. (Hint: You know it's a 3d face format when you grab a vertex in edit mode and it only seems to affect one face.)