Inverse Kinematics

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    Answers in this category:

    1. Does Blender have bones?
    2. How can I work with Inverse Kinematics?

    1 - Does Blender have bones?

    Contributed by Nathan Vegdahl.

    Yes. However, in Blender the bones system is called a "skeletal system", and it has an option for inverse kinematics (IKA).

    To find out more about Blenders skeletal and IKA systems, search the BlenderBase for "IKA bones skeletal", or follow this link to do the search automatically:

    UPDATE: Blender 2.14 is going to have a completely rewritten bones/skinning/inverse kinematics system. Read more here:


    2 - How can I work with Inverse Kinematics?

    Contributed by B@rt.

    For a good start with IKAs (Inverse KinemAtics), please read the following tutorials:



    This Blender FAQ was generated on September 24, 2001, 8:40 am. For the most recent version and for searching the tutorial database, please visit the on-line version at