Contributed by B@rt.
The easiest way to convert Blender's AVI files into an MPEG file is to use the avi2mpg software that is available for free on:
Contributed by Richard Kennedy.
There is no way to add sound to an animation within Blender. The sound functions in Blender are exclusively for use in games.
You must use some type of video processing tool to combine sound and video. For Windows systems, Adobe Premiere is a popular, albeit expensive tool for doing this. There is a shareware program by STOIK software called VideoMan. It is a 30 day trial and fairly comparable to Premiere. You can ask others what they use in the discussion area or on the EFNet IRC channel #blender3d.
Editors note:
If your using Linux then check out Broadcast2000 at
It's a fully functinal video edit suitte for Linux and yes it's free.
Daniel Jircik
Contributed by B@rt.
First, install the DivX ;-) codec from and install it.
Next, download VirtualDub (this is free software under the GPL license):
Start VirtualDub and load a Blender AVI-RAW or AVI-JPG file with File/Open videofile. Next, go to the Video menu and select Compression. Select one of the available Divx ;-) codecs (you may need to experiment a bit to find the optimal one for your situation). You can select properties like the bitrate by selecting Configure in this screen. Select OK.
Select File/Save as Avi and enter a new filename. Make sure you add the .avi extension - VirtualDub does not do this automatically.
Press Save and the file conversion will start.
You can read more about using VirtualDub here:
Contributed by Deraj. is a cross-platform, open-source codec being developed by the people who brought you DivX ;-). It provides better compression than MPEG and is not hampered by patents and fees.
Contributed by B@rt.
Came across Moviexone Video Editor. Free Version has an AB video track, there are two audio tracks, you can view waveform and individual frames in video. Is suitable for basic Audio Video syncing and has a good range of export options. Link Below.
DDClip FREE is also very good. Actually a bit better, but won't run on a Windows 2000 drive partition larger than 2 gig though. DDclip functions a lot like Adobe Premiere.
Zweistein is another Free Video Editor, It is actually very powerful but has limited output and is a bit freaky to use till you get used to it. I thinks it's pretty Cool though.
ABC-Video Roll is a functional Vid Editor. I prefer DDclip and Moviexone for interface.
Broadcast2000 is worth a look for you Linux folks:
VirtualDub is a must have for Video conversion.
Audacity is a really cool audio mixer.
ASIA is good for manipulating your Audio Waveform
Also FreeDV
Finally, If you loose all the links above, Don't loose this one:
Most of the above are also linked off this above site.