Contributed by anonymous.
Blender supports the following bitmap file formats:
- TGA (uncompressed)
Additionally, Blender writes AVI RAW and AVI JPG animation files.
Blender does NOT support GIF files - you will need an external tool for that.
Contributed by anonymous.
Blender does not have an undo function.
Saving often is the best undo you can get! Press [F1] [Numpad+] [Enter] to save a NEW version of your blend-file (this appends and increments the "version"-number of your .blend-file: file001.blend -> file002.blend -> file003.blend -> ...)
In addition, you can 'undo' any changes you have made while you are in editmode. Once you leave editmode though, these changes are permanent!
Contributed by B@rt.
This is not planned as far as we know. However, you can export Blender scenes to external renderers such as BMRT (more information available in this database).
Contributed by B@rt.
To activate volumetric rendering, go to the Lamp Buttons screen. At the bottom there is a button labeled 'Halo Step'. When this has a value of zero, volumetric rendering is disabled. Change it to another value to enable - 1 is the most accurate setting (and slowest), and 12 is the quick-n-dirty verison ;-)
Of course, you must activate 'Halo' in the Lamp Buttons screen and 'Shadows' in the Render Buttons screen for this to work.
[from the discussion server]
Contributed by B@rt.
No, there is no PS2 version of Blender yet.
Contributed by B@rt.
Blender is completely OpenGL based (that's why it works the same on so many platforms) and does not use DirectX at all.
Contributed by Robert Fletcher (Angel VII).
Blender has 7 different procedural textures: clouds, wood, marble, magic,stucci, and noise, but more can be added using the numerous plugins
found at
You can create your own plugins with the C programming language.
Contributed by B@rt.
Blender's renderer does not render caustics at this time, so your best option would be to export a scene to an external renderer like BMRT.
Contributed by B@rt.
The goal of the render daemon is to speed up the animation rendering process by distributing scenes over multiple rendering machines. The render daemon is being developed both by volunteers and NaN.
It is currently in development - please read for more information.
Contributed by B@rt.
Blender does not export to Flash.
Contributed by Mark Bailey.
Blender will fit on a floppy disk.
The Blender Zipfile with Blender v2.12 for Windows is 1.38 MB
The Blender v2.11 for BeOS x86 is 1.37 MB
Contributed by B@rt.
You can change the layout of Blender in any way you like. Please read the following tutorial for more information: