Suggested Activities

The following activities analyze the private impact of public events

Each of these events affected the lives of nearly everyone in society. Are there contemporary events that have ramifications for everyone? Listed below are World Wide Web resources for the Great Depression and World War II. Remember to "bookmark" this website so you can easily return.

1. Oral Interview

The purpose of this interview is to find out what the Great Depression was like for people living at that time.

Interview your parents, grandparents, or older members of your community about the Great Depression and their memories of life at this time. You might ask them the following kinds of questions:

You can read other oral interviews with people who lived through the Depression at:
Remote Link

2. What is Prohibition?

Compare the impact of Prohibition of the 1920s to the contemporary prohibition on drugs. You can present your comparison in a number of ways:

3. What is poverty?

Compare the financial hardship of the Johnsons with the relative security of your own family. With the main income earner out of work, the Johnsons fell into near poverty. How near or far are you from poverty?

What if the main earner in your family became disabled, unemployed, or somehow incapable of work. How long could your family continue in your present lifestyle? What adjustments would you have to make to your family budget?

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