With Art & Industry: 1890-1920

The economic, political and social reasons behind the Great Migration

One-Way Ticket
I am fed up
With Jim Crow laws,
People who are cruel
And afraid,
Who lynch and run,
Who are scared of me
And me of them.
I pick up my life
And take it away
On a one-way ticket--
Gone up North,
Gone out West,
--Langston Hughes

Economic Reasons for the Great Migration of 1910 - 1920

Political Reasons for the Great Migration of 1910 - 1920

Although black men had gained the right to vote in 1867, southern states used a number of methods to keep blacks from voting and having political power.


Social Reasons for the Great Migration of 1910 - 1920

Blacks were robbed of their dignity and treated as socially inferior to whites through the passage of Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws discriminated against blacks and kept them apart from the whites.

In addition to discrimination and segregation, blacks faced hostility and violence from some whites.



© Illinois State Museum 31-Dec-96