On the French Frontier 1700-1800
Antoine Bienvenu
Age 12
Kaskaskia, 1743
The following story is based on a decision made by a real person.
At the end of the story, you will find questions and activities.
For more information, click on the pictures with captions.

1 Boy
Who was Antoine Bienvenu?

Antoine Bienvenu Sound is a young man of twelve in 1743. His parents have more than 50 slaves and property in both Prairie du RocherSound and Kaskaskia.

Last week, the holidays began with Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. The whole community of Kaskaskia gathered together in the village church to celebrate Midnight Mass. Feasts, more services, and celebrations were held in the days that followed. Now it is New Year's Eve. Antoine is twelve, a time of change.

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