Wild Plants of Illinois, 1818
John Wood's List
The following is a list of plants that John Woods Wanboro, Illinois in 1818 described as growing wild in the area around his farm. When he wrote this, he had not yet started plowing his fields. He learned from his neighbors which plants were similar to those in England, which ones could be cultivated, and which were better gathered in the wild. He gathered wild plants for food and other purposes.
Right: Map of the English Prairie and three landowners. Click on the
map to enlarge.
Wild Plants: Click on the blue link to see an image of the plant.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Helianthus annuus | sunflowers |
Solidago sp | Goldenrod |
Delphinium sp | Larkspur |
Dianthus barbata | Sweet-william |
Dianthus sp | Pinks |
uncertain description | Lilies |
Mertensia sp | Blue cowslips |
Rosa sp | Roses |
Polygonum persicaria | Persicaries (Lady's Thumb) |
Viola sp | Violets (white,. Blue, yellow, no scent) |
Monarda didyma ? | Balm (bergamot) |
Hedeoma pulegioides | Pennyroyal |
Foeniculum vulgare | Fennel |
Coriandrum Sativum | Coriander |
Mentha X piperita | Peppermint |
Mentha spicata | Spearmint |
Eupatorium rugosum | Snake-root |
Gentiana sp | Gentian |
Panax ginseng | Ginseng |
Rhus aromatica | Sumach (fragrant?) |
Sassafras albidum, Sassafras officinale ? | Sassafras tree |
Morchella esculenta | Morel mushroom |
Allium stellatum | Prairie onion |
Vitis vinifera | Grapevine |
Punica granatum | Pomegranate (yellow, orange-shaped fruit) |
Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus | Watermelon (white flesh) |
Diospyros virginiana | Persimmon |
Asimina triloba | Pawpaw |
Prunus sp | Cherry |
Rubus idaeus | Raspberry |
Podophyllum peltatum | May-apple |
Prunus sp | Plum |
Rubus sp | Blackberry |
Sambucus canadensis | Elderberry |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan |
Juglans nigra tree | Walnut see image of prehistoric walnut husks. |
Corylus americana | Hazelnut (filbert) |
Arachis hypogaea | Peanut |