Lower Illinois River Valley Settlement Patterns
Some things to note:
- The "N=" in the maps is currently not correct. It is based on the number
of sites per county, and there for includes sites outside of the map
- The yellowish patches are the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
survey areas, as we have them digitized. These are contract surveys that are
for the most part from after about 1984, and may not have been updated for the
last few years, depending on the county. These should be used for comparison,
not seen as fact.
- It is easy to do cosmetic changes. I am going to want to add a scale bar
and get the "N=" corrected.
- Even after the "N=" is improved, this number may not be correct! I have
not done enough checking to eliminate sites duplicated among the three
sources used here:
- The IAS site files (the best source).
- A set of four 15' CAA master quads digitized several years ago by Laurie
Swanson and Ray Druhot.
- Some additional CAA master quads digitized earlier this year by Jim Oliver,
who was unaware of the earlier coverages (through no fault of his own).
- Anything else?