Beads and Trade 
Beads are small objects, the importance of which
in human history is far greater than one might think based on their
size. Archaeologists tell us that people have made beads for at
least 30,000 years. Although the Illinois State Museum has no beads
this ancient, it does have Egyptian faience beads that might be
5000 years old, 3200-year old Egyptian glass beads ca. 1200 B.C.,
and bone and shell beads from 2000-year old Illinois Hopewellian
sites. The Illinois State Museum has thousands of seventeenth and
eighteenth century trade beads in its Native American archaeology
and anthropology collections. We also have the Frost Trade Bead
Collection and several hundred nineteenth and twentieth century
beaded objects from Indian groups throughout North America,
including objects received by Stephen A. Frost & Son in
exchange for beads.
Bead History
The earliest beads are made
from natural materials: bone, shell, and stone. Faience - glazed
quartzite paste - is the earliest artificial material from which
beads are made. It first appeared in Egypt some 5500 years ago, a
millennium before the invention of glass. Faience beads were widely
traded in the Old World; they show up in archaeological sites
throughout the Mediterranean area, in Europe, Africa, and Asia, and
notably in India at sites along the Indus River.
Ancient peoples adorned themselves with bead
jewelry, attached beads in their hair, and buried their dead with
beads. Beaded clothing was common, as were baskets, boxes, and
other household objects.
In North America, beads made from precious materials
such as dentalium shell were used by Northwest Coast Indians to
settle disputes. Many Indians in the Eastern Woodlands made purple
and white beads from marine shell. Called wampum, these beads were
strung together in patterns. Greatly valued, especially by the
tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy, wampum strings or "belts"
served as symbols of political office, were used to validate
agreements and for record-keeping purposes, were given as gifts,
and were worn as personal ornamentation. However, despite what you
might read in dictionaries and history books, Native Americans did
not use wampum as money, though some European colonists - the Dutch
and, to a lesser extent, the English - did use wampum they
manufactured to pay expenses.
Trading Beads
The first European explorers and colonists gave Native Americans
glass and ceramic beads as gifts and used beads for trade with
them. The Indians had made bone, shell, and stone beads long before
the Europeans arrived in North America, and continued to do so.
However, European glass beads, mostly from Venice, some from
Holland and, later, from Poland and Czechoslovakia, became popular
and sought after by the Indians. The most famous story in American
history involving trade beads isn't true. Peter Minuit and his
Dutch settlers did not purchase Manhattan Island in 1625 for
$24 in beads. As Peter Francis, Jr. demonstrates in a 1986
prize-winning article, "The Beads That Did Not Buy Manhattan
Island," the story dates from the nineteenth century and has no
historical basis in fact.
Europeans, of course, realized early on that beads
were important to Native Americans. Corporations such as the Hudson
Bay Company and individuals such as Stephen A. Frost developed
lucrative bead-trading markets with the Indians (see the section on
Stephen A. Frost & Son).
The availability of glass beads increased, their
cost decreased, and they became more widely used by Indians
throughout North America. Ceramic beads declined in popularity as
glass bead manufacturers came to dominate the market because of
their variety of color, price, and supply. At first, glass beads
supplemented those made from natural materials, but, in time, glass
beads almost completely replaced Indian-made ones. For some groups,
especially on the coasts, the loss of access to marine shell and
the loss of land suitable for hunting to obtain bone led to the
eventual predominance of glass beads. Similarly, through time,
glass beads largely replaced natural and dyed porcupine quills as
decorative materials. One outcome of this was that the quantity of
quillwork declined, although it never completely disappeared. The
Indians' loss of land and the reduced access to porcupines were
also factors in their shift to the use of glass beads.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, beadwork
remains an integral part of some Indian cultures, especially on the
Plains and in Western North America. Stores in towns, mail order
businesses, and suppliers on the Internet have replaced itinerant
bead merchants and trading companies. In an ongoing pattern of
innovation, culture change, and continuity among Native Americans,
plastic beads are now gaining market share from glass beads, just
as glass beads earlier replaced those made from natural