Baccarat Factory Nineteenth-century Postcard
Courtesy of Pascal Ollagnier
<.h2>Baccarat Glass Factory
In 1764, the Bishop
of Metz, wanting to put his land to commercial and economic use, petitioned
Louis XV for permission to set up a glass factory that would use the timber
in its wood-burning furnaces, and create competition for the imported Bohemian
glassware. Wood could be floated on the river, so the town of Baccarat was chosen
as the site of the factory.
The Bishop went into partnership with a glassmaker named Antoine Renaut and
the financial backing of neighboring landowner Leopold Corny. The Verrerie Renaut
was established with living accommodations for seventy workers and their families.
Workers were on call because of the unpredictability of firing temperatures.
The company was renamed the Verrerie de Baccarat in 1768 and the Verrerie de
St. Anne in 1773.
It prospered
until the turn of the century, when warfare of the Revolution and First Empire
caused it to be auctioned off. It became Verrerie de Baccarat in 1816 with its
new owner, Aime-Gabriel d'Artigues, who also owned a glass factory in Belgium.
By then the factory was manufacturing lead crystal. In 1823 another set of new
owners set up standards of production that added to the factory's reputation.
The next year a pump was invented that simplified the blowing process. Colored
glass was introduced in the plant in 1838.
Magnum Spaced Millefiori
Baccarat (signed), dated 1848
In 1845
the director of the Baccarat factory and the director of the St. Louis factory
traveled to Vienna to the Exhibition of Austrian Industrial Products and brought
back the idea of making millefiori paperweights, which Baccarat begins to produce
the next year. During the economic depression of 1848-1852, only one of the
factory's furnaces operated. Paperweight production was at its peak from 1846
to 1855.